1. Make sure the suede is clean, brush carefully with a Saphir BDC Brass Brush suede brush to remove dirt or residue (use Saphir BDC Omnidaim suede & nubuck to clean).
2. Shake the bottle well and spray evenly onto the skin about 20cm away from the skin surface.
3. Let dry for 30 minutes, then brush with a Saphir BDC Brass Brush to restore the suede's "smooth" appearance.

Comprehensive care

Smooth leather; Suede, Nubuck leather; Fabric

Shoes; Clothes; Bag; Furniture; Car Furniture

Revovetine 465,000đ
Renovétine is made from almond oil, which nourishes, cleans, restores color, and waterproofs the skin, helping to regain its outer beauty and make the skin as smooth as before. 3324010204010 Capacity

Nourishing, restoring and waterproof solution

1. Make sure the suede is clean, brush carefully with a Saphir BDC Brass Brush suede brush to remove dirt or residue (use Saphir BDC Omnidaim suede & nubuck to clean).
2. Shake the bottle well and spray evenly onto the skin about 20cm away from the skin surface.
3. Let dry for 30 minutes, then brush with a Saphir BDC Brass Brush to restore the suede's "smooth" appearance.

Comprehensive care

Smooth leather; Suede, Nubuck leather; Fabric

Shoes; Clothes; Bag; Furniture; Car Furniture